Alliance manifesto analysis
Healthcare: -134% (Far Left)
Corporation tax: N/A (Lack of data)
Economic: -63% (Moderately Left)
Infrastructure: -63% (Moderately Left)
Social Issues: -102% (Far Left)
Housing: -125% (Far Left)
Social Security: -80% (Moderately Left)
Education: N/A (Lack of Data)
Devolution: -67% (Moderately Left)
Misc: -36% (Moderate Left)
Manifesto breakdown
The Alliance Party (Founded in 1970) are a non-sectarian party who are associated with different ideological positions depending on who you are asking. For some they are too left, for others they are not left enough. Those who see them as not left enough, perceive them to be too centrist in their policy and may lack a clear ideology at all. This confusion even carries over to the sectarian issues, where they are often seen as too unionist by some and not unionist enough by others. So we were surprised when analysing their manifesto and we found that there was a relatively clear ideology, as they scored a -55% on the left/right scale. This puts the well in the left leaning parties, nearly on par with the SDLP. It would probably even be inaccurate to say they are centre left according to this result as they scored enough to be perceived as being very committed to a left wing ideology even though not being ‘radical’. The scored especially high on healthcare, housing and social issues.
It should be noted that one of the criticisms of that party is they are inconsistent in what they say and what they vote for. Meaning, to some this result will not be a surprise but we recommend looking at our voting analysis to see the results.
Link to manifesto:
Indepth analysis article coming soon