UUP voting analysis

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UUP rank as Centrist Left

Meaning that the UUP is generally centre left when voting on policy


Ulster Unionist Party (UUP - Founded 1905) is a moderate unionist party often associated with centre right politics. However, when we analysed their manifesto, we found they scored a -20% on the left/right scale. Meaning they can be seen as a centre left party according to their manifesto. However, their voting record earned the UUP a score of -8% on the left/right scale, putting them directly into centrist territory. The party’s membership is diverse in its ideological breadth, with the party containing centrists, centre left and centre right viewpoints. This makes for an ideologically complex view of the party, but if the one centre right MLA (John Stewart) were taken out of the calculation the party would start to look more cohesive in its ideals. The difference of 12% between the manifesto and voting scores could also be explained away with John Stewart being the anomaly within the party’s current make up. Until then, the UUP look somewhat confused in their configuration.