Alliance Manifesto Analysis

The Alliance party is a strong (non radical) left wing party with its core beliefs revolving around the equality of all individuals within society being placed on equal footing. Alliance is firmly based along the premise of staying out of the national question and is one of only a few parties in Stormont to neither align itself as either nationalist or unionist. Due to its lack of position on the national question, Alliance has drawn support from mostly strong left wing unionists due to the lack of a left wing unionist party. However, Alliance is frequently grouped with nationalist parties when dealing with criticism from unionist parties due to the similar left wing stances compared to that of unionist parties which have mostly right wing ideological preferences. Even a soft centerist unionist party such as the UUP still has significant right wing thinking in their manifesto. 

  On the Beyond NI spectrum it currently sits at around 55% left. 

The economic position of the alliance party is one rooted in left wing ideology. Its latest manifesto has a strong focus on increasing taxes for higher earners and on higher valued properties. The party also wants to see tougher regulations on companies that avoid tax within the UK along with increasing spending tackling inequality within the UK and Northern Ireland. Finally, Naomi Long’s party would like to see tax breaks for the poorest in society. 

Socially the party is very left. Alliance have been one of the main voices in Northern Ireland for the LGTBQ community, pro abortion and an advocate for left wing causes on all social issues. The party has consistently advocated for left wing issues across its manifesto and at Stormont. 

Alliance is a fervently pro European party which was consistent in its view that Northern Ireland and the UK should stay within the European Union. The party also called for another referendum regarding Brexit. 

In conclusion the Alliance party is a strong moderate left wing party which focuses its efforts on making sure each member of society is placed on an equal level. The party while not radically left believes that economic change should occur to the current economic system but is not calling for a radical change in how it operates. The party, while attracting voters from both Nationalist and Unionist backgrounds, must question if there is a large section made of up of left wing unionists who are unable to find a home in the mainstream of unionist politics.


UUP Manifesto Analysis


Sinn Fein Manifesto Analysis